Hitachi Transport System
February 22, 2019

  • PLB Export & Import
  • Regular Warehouse
  • Trucking
  • Supply Chain Management

Mobile: 0811-97100984
Graha Mustika Ratu 4th Floor,
Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto Kav 74-75 Jakarta, 12870 Indonesia
Phone: 021-8306590
Fax: 021-83709029

PLB warehouse :
  • East Java Logistics Center
    Ngoro Industrial Park, Lot D2-2, Lolawang, Ngoro, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur 61835 Indonesia
  • Cikarang Logistics Center
    Kawasan Industri Delta Silicon I, Jl. Kruing II Blok L8-1, Sukaresmi, Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17550 Indonesia

Jakarta, Bekasi, Surabaya,
Hitachi Transport System
Company Profile
PT. Hitachi Transport System Indonesia (TSID) was established in October 2013, as a subsidiary of Hitachi Transport System Group. Our services include business in logistic in general, and specifically for 3PL, Domestic Delivery, general and PLB warehouse. We owned 2 warehouses in West and East Java, therefore we could support any customer engaged from West to East part of Indonesia. 
About Our Bonded Logistic Center (PLB) 
We are the first PLB license holder for Japanese company in East Java, and had  dedicated ourselves for import and export business for a wide range of manufacturing industries. 
A few merits obtained by using PLB facilities are described below:
  1. Possibility of Non-residents owned (PDPLB)
  2. Multiple goods owner for one license
  3. Storage for both import and export manufacture related goods
  4. Packing, sorting, maintenance/repair/ exhibition/ import check, and [Made in Indonesia] label sticking works are allowed
  5. Storage period up to 3 years
  6. Tax payment only done when goods are carried out from PLB area
  7. Wide range of origin and/or destinations (manufacture factory, bonded area like duty-free shop, overseas, other PLB, and all free trade regions)